Saturday, December 28, 2019

Steps to Overcome a Lack of Motivation in Your Job Search

Steps to Overcome a Lack of Motivation in Your Job SearchSteps to Overcome a Lack of Motivation in Your Job Search4For even the most dedicated job hunters, eagerness to secure a position doesnt always translate into ambition to get things done. Cut yourself some slack and realize that finding a job can be a tough process. Then, try these six ideas for overcoming a lack of motivation in your job search.Steps to Overcome a Lack of Motivation in Your Job SearchStep 1. Develop a warm-up routine.Come up with consistent triggers that cue your brain to get into work mode. A few to try includeMeditating for fiveminutes to develop the right frame of mindReading a daily motivational quote (you can sign up to have one delivered to your inbox each day)Brewing a mug of coffee to sip at the computerLooking at your Pinterest board to remind you of your dreamsStep 2. Take baby steps.On those days when every task seems mountainous, try tackling just one minor thing. For instance, tell yourself that y ou will scan a job board to mark promising ads but not botherresearching each employer or submitting applications until another time.Quit if you must after that, but dont be surprised if you gain momentum from that one accomplishment and go on to do much more.Step 3. Increase networking efforts.Even though job hunters know that a robust network can be critical to finding a position, people often spend the majority of their time in front of a computer. In the name of strengthening connections, invite a former coworker to lunch, volunteer for a community cleanup project, or attend an alumni happy hour.Whether it leads anywhere or not, the socialization will improve your mood.Step 4. Join a job seekers support group.Job hunts can be lonely and frustrating. Maintaining regular contact with others going through the process can ease some of those feelings.The camaraderie alone can be exactly what you need, but you also might discover new employment possibilities.Step 5. Work smarter, not longer.Spending long hours on a task does not always mean more gets done. Ignore that feeling weve all internalized that successful people must constantly be busy. Instead, create a list of objectives to accomplish. Give your all to meeting those goals, and then move on.Knowing you can do other activities after being productive may be the carrot necessary to overcome a lack of energy.Step 6. Take a day off.It may sound like the opposite of a productivity tip, but physically and mentally stepping away from search-related activities can recharge your job-hunting battery. Do something enjoyable but engaging, such as going to a movie or trying out a new recipe.Avoid simply moping around youll only feel guilty and spend the day worrying. You deserve a true breakLooking for more advice? Check out our job search tips category.Readers, what do you do when you feel a lack of motivation in your job search? Share your ideas below

Monday, December 23, 2019

7 times when giving up on a work goal is the healthiest decision

7 times when giving up on a work goal is the healthiest decision7 times when giving up on a work goal is the healthiest decisionThe idea that we should work towardsa specific career goalis drilled into our heads starting at a young age, when peoplestart asking uswhat we want to be when we grow up. Our aims usually evolve - otherwise there would be far more astronauts and ballerinas - but the idea ofworking towards a goal(or five) is a constant in most of our lives.But heres the thing about ansicht goals Theyre not all realistic, worthwhile, or healthy. They may not even be your own, but rather something youthoughtyou had to work toward. All of this is to say that whilesome goals are wonderful and zu gunsten vonductive, others simply arent worth it, and once we let them go, we realize that wereactually much happier without them. This could meanbeing less stressedbecause youre no longer trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, happier because you have more free time topursue thing s that really matterto you, or more successfulbeing on a pathyou truly believe in.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreWe asked the Thrive Community to share thecareer goals- big or small - they have given up that have ultimately benefited them. Here are some of our favoritesBeing in total control of everythingOne thing I had to give up to get when I wanted to be as a business owner welches total control. Ive finally started to outsource some of my work and its given me the mental space to focus on building my business to the next level. Onwards and upwards- Wendy Y., copywriter, Manchester, U.K.Wearing one hatHaving a variety of interests, early in my career, well-meaning friends and colleagues would tell me that I should narrow in Choose one thing and get really good at it. Ive tried wearing one hat, but always find myself taking on other projects - paid, or pro bono - to keep my creativity fresh. I have given up the idea of being one thing.- Stephanie Thoma, networking strategist, San Francisco, CAAligning your identity with past work accomplishmentsQuitting work to stay home with my kids was easy. Giving up talking about my career was not. I was terrified that I wouldnt stay relevant and that I would be dismissed as a stay-at-home mom. It took me years to (mostly) stop bringing up my past accomplishments in conversation, but it was worth it. I enjoyed meaningful exchanges, discovered a softer side of myself and became more comfortable showing up anywhere as who I am, without tying my value into what I do.- Karen Gurwitz, author, New York, NYTaking a job solely for the salaryA career goal I had given up is taking jobs solely based on salary. Ive had numerous jobs over the years, where the salaries have varied. I have learned that if you are not fully enjoying what you do, serving others with passion and inspiration, then the money is not worth it. When we take a job solely for the money, we are slaves to the wage. Oddly, when I had given this up a job came along that offered freedom, creativity, and surprisingly wealth.- Tricia Wolanin, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, Mildenhall, U.K.Sticking to a set pathI moved to Asheville, NC to begin a career in the mental health industry, thinking I wanted to become a therapist. After two years, although I learned so much about myself both personally and professionally, I knew this was not the path for me. Now, I am shifting my focus to larger-scale social work and hopefully one day public policy. My dream is to work at the forefront of social and environmental justice. It is intimidating to move in a new direction but everything feels in better alignment and my anxiety is way down- Allison Hackman, social service professional and ESL teacher, Philadelphia, PALofty sales goalsIve let go of trying to constantly exceed sales goals and instead have focused on just taking care of the client in fro nt of me. I think when we come from a place of service instead of sales, its a win-win. When we do whats right for the client with compassion and empathy for their needs (not ours), it benefits the client and ultimately helps our bottom line as well. Acting from our hearts will always result in a better outcome.- Camille Sacco, bank manager and certified meditation instructor, Winter Park, FLHiding in the security of the knownIn my late 20s, I was in an interview. I dont remember the interviewers name or company that she worked for, but I do remember one simple statement that she made. She said, If you want to do this the rest of your life I have no recollection of what she said after that. I instantly knew that I didnt want to do that the rest of my life. I walked out of the interview and it was like a 500 lbs. weight had been lifted. I enrolled in graduate school five days later - changing the trajectory of my career. Acknowledging my gut and cognitively responding has been one o f the biggest assets in my career. Sometimes, you just have to walk away from the security of the known to the possibilities of the unknown.- Kristin Sajadi, social awareness entrepreneur, Lexington, KYThis article originally appeared on Thrive Global.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How One Man Navigated His Ever-Evolving Career Passions

How One Man Navigated His Ever-Evolving Career PassionsHow One Man Navigated His Ever-Evolving Career Passions A recent podcast, The Perils of Following Your Career Passion , by Adam Grant, compelled this post. One of many takeaways is the idea of developing your passion versus following it, and his insight that passion is a consequence of effort, not just a cause. As a result, I welches inspired to illustrate my learnings via the storied career of my husband, Robert Poindexter , whose chapters are replete with grit, determination and resourcefulness. Self-directed, with an appetite for cars, boats and communication, he proves that openness to learning and growing your passions can net you a satisfying and successful career.Glassdoor Would you describe your career path? Is it self-directed? Did you have a vision for your future professional self? If so, what welches it?Robert Poindexter I would describe my career path as mora of a career maze, actually. It has defi nitely been self-directed. Not having much hilfe or anyone to help guide me during my formative years left me without much of a vision for my future professional self, other than to survive as best as I could. Survival for me was to get as far away as possible from an abysmal home life and try to figure out how to make my way in the world. While driving around looking for a job in the small West Texas town I had lived in for fruchtwein of my childhood, I passed the National Guard Armory. The military really hadnt been on my radar however, since I was a high school dropout at this point, and without much direction and absolutely no prospects, joining the U.S. Navy seemed like a good way to at least improve my current situation. So, I walked into that armory and asked the first soldier I saw how I could join. Ten days later, I was on my way to boot camp in San Diego, California.Glassdoor. Did you follow your career passions? Or, did you develop your passions? Or, perhaps a combination of both? Please explain.Robert Poindexter I would say it was a combination of both. My passions have changed over the years, and Ive been fortunate to find employment that answered those passions as they morphed. My passion for travel was satisfied with my enlistment in the service followed by 15 years on the road driving coast to coast in a semi-truck. Once my wanderlust had been satiated, I was ready to settle down to a more conventional lifestyle and found plenty of opportunities to use my developed gift of gab in the auto industry. Cars had been a passion of mine since I was old enough to know the difference between a Ford and a Chevy, and this line of work seemed to be a perfect fit. After enjoying success in the auto industry, my not-so-dormant passion for boats (developed while I was in the Navy) found me on the doorstep of a local boat dealership seeking employment in a new industry.Glassdoor What aspects of your career would you describe as guided by your passions (situat ions where you followed your passions)? Conversely, what aspects of your career unveiled areas of passion that you heretofore didnt know you had (situations where you developed your passions)?Robert Pointdexter My time in the service was certainly guided by my passion to travel, and being around boats and the ocean unveiled a love of the nautical lifestyle that I never realized existed. 3. Do you feel there are certain passions that have developed more than others over the years, and if so, which ones? Why? How has this added value to your career?Robert Poindexter Over the course of my working life, most of my jobs have required the ability to communicate well in order to succeed. Communication may not have been high on my list of passions abfluging out. However, the fact that written and oral communication was a constant part of each new opportunity and an integral part of the day to day of each position Ive held, at this point I would consider it a passion. It is also a passion I plan to continue to develop and sharpen well into and beyond whatever retirement may look like for me.Glassdoor Any surprises in regard to passions and how theyve developed? How have your passions helped your career? What have been downsides and/or upsides of following your passions? Conversely, downsides or upsides to developing your passions?Robert Poindexter As I stated above, I have been surprised by how the need to properly communicate developed itself from a need to now being a passion. That passion has meant the difference between being a background player in my employment opportunities and being on the frontlines. The only downsides to my passions, whether feeding my wanderlust or developing my communication skills, has been my need for changing my situation in order to make that passion a bigger part of my life. I could have stayed in the military for 20 or so years and had a nice little retirement to depend upon for the rest of my life. Doing so would have meant my wan derlust and communication would have been limited to what the military decided for me. I could have stayed in the trucking industry and acquired more standing and a few more trucks and at some point, started a real trucking company that would have provided a secure future monetarily speaking. But again, I would have been confined to learning only what that industry required of me for success.The same is true of the auto industry and now the boating industry.Glassdoor Why did you (what spurred you to) join the Navy? What areas of talent, skill, ability strengthened during this tenure? What passions may have developed?Robert Poindexter I was truly spurred to join the military based on my current personal situation at the time. I learned to drive boats during the service which helped to develop that passion, and I learned invaluable skills for dealing with people from all walks of life, which certainly helped me in my sales skills down the road. But, I believe that self-discipline was my biggest takeaway, and that is something that has served me well regardless of what position I found myself in.Glassdoor Similarly, tell me about the start-up and launch of your over-the-road truck driving career? How/why did you start this business? What areas of talent, skill, ability strengthened during this tenure? What passions may have developed?Robert Poindexter I had saved a little money while I served in the Navy and knew when I left the military, I wanted a more independent lifestyle. After being constantly surrounded by people for over three years, some solitude was needed. What better way to achieve this than running coast-to-coast in the cab of my own truck with a loosely threaded schedule that let me stop when I wanted company or keep on running when I didnt? Communication in dealing with shippers, dispatchers, law enforcement, other drivers and state and federal regulatory personnel certainly helped to hone those skills. I also developed a great sense of geography which helped later on in sales when dealing with people who were from other parts of the country than where I was selling at the time. In other words, if I was selling someone a Cadillac in Florida who happened to be from Seattle Washington, I instantly had something to talk to them about since I spent lots of time in that part of the world during my time on the road. Having something in common with a prospect always gives a salesperson a leg up, Ive found.Glassdoor Why did you divest your trucks and initiate a career in sales? What areas of talent, skill, ability strengthened during this tenure? What passions may have developed?Robert Poindexter By the time I decided to go into the car business, I had been on the move for most of 20 years. I was road weary and ready for something that more closely resembled normalcy. I owned three trucks at the time, and the economy was making things tough on small independent truckers like me, so that added to my disenchantment with the industry . I was on my way back home from an appointment with my accountant, and the news he shared with me didnt make me feel any better about things. On a lark, I pulled into a car dealership in Merritt Island, Florida, and applied for a job selling cars (cars had long been a passion of mine). I had no idea what I was doing or if I could even make a living at it. That was in October of 1999, and I told the manager that interviewed me that I was willing to give it a try if there was a position open, so long as they would understand that it was just a trial for me. I told him I would work until the end of December, and if it looked as if I could make a living selling cars, Id sell my three trucks and stay on with the dealership. After a month in the business, I had found my new career and divested myself of my equipment and employees. My communication skills found a whole new arena to play in, and I honed them even further here. I developed them so well, in fact, that it wasnt long before I was moving up the ladder. First, as a Closer, then a Sales Manager and eventually a Business Manager, (one of the best paying positions in this industry next to the General Manager). In addition to increasing my customer relationship skills, I also learned how to deal with executive management in order move up in the industry.Glassdoor Next, you left the auto industry to start in the boating industry. What areas of talent, skill, ability strengthened during this tenure? What passions may have developed?Robert Poindexter By the Winter of 2010, the stress of long days and the constant struggle to meet or exceed backend sales quotas had me thinking about finding a new challenge that wasnt as demanding on me physically and mentally. My wife owned and still does own a careers business, and I had been doing some writing for her on the side while working at the dealership. We both had a desire to live in a warmer climate than Kansas City, Missouri, and made the decision to move south and live on a lake. The plan was to develop her business to a point that would sustain us and to work together while living a more independent lifestyle. After moving to Lake Texoma, Texas, we started working her business together. It took about six months to realize our plan wasnt going to work as well as we had hoped, so I put my feelers out in a very small job market and landed a job selling land for a local resort. The money was good, but the job was horrible and after about two years, I wandered into a local boat dealership to buy a new boat. I met with the owner and a relationship formed. Soon, I inquired about a position with them, and here I am. I was brought on as a salesman, but was soon given the opportunity to get involved in managing sales, marketing and filling other business development needs. I have gained a great deal of knowledge about this niche industry over the past nearly five years and have increased my knowledge of a personal passion of mine boats and boating.Car eerists who may find themselves in a similar career maze as Rob encountered, may find encouragement in his journey. You may also reap guidance, a beacon if you will, in articulating your story, going forward. An ability to connect what may sometimes feel like disconnected dots is important in conveying your value as you close one chapter and begin anew.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Time Management Tips for Frazzled Freelancers

Time Management Tips for Frazzled FreelancersTime Management Tips for Frazzled FreelancersAs a freelancer, do you ever feel like there arent enough hours in the day for the things that matter? Its a common complaint. But the problem may leid be how much time you have. Check out these time management tips from an experienced independent creative pro.Many freelance colleagues tell me that they simply cant find the time to do everything theyd like to get done professionally and personally. I understand where theyre coming from because Ive frequently felt the same way during my years of freelancing. Yet more often than not Ive found the number of hours in a day is less important than how you choose to use them.Here are a few common complaints I hear from my fellow freelancers, along with some time management tips to help you better control the clock. While none of these strategies will actually give you more minutes, youll feel like you have extra time if you implement them.I have too mu ch work for a personal life.As freelance challenges go, this is one of the best problems to have. You may even find that your fellow freelancers dont have much sympathy for you, but its still a legitimate concern. This is usually a sign that its time to set firmer boundaries and expectations - possibly with clients, but more likely with yourself.You wouldnt want a corporate boss to drain your free time dry, so dont do it when you are the boss either. I feel like the point of freelancing is to have more flexibility, not to work more hours. For example, I departure and end my workday earlier than most people to match my wifes teaching schedule so we can enjoy more time together. If you struggle with this, try scheduling personal time as a daily appointment, and give it the same respect as your office hours.GOING FREELANCE? WE CAN HELPI dont have time to promote my geschftsleben.I think this idea is a bit crazy because it leads to having no work to do. But its such a common gripe amon gst freelancers. Again, the fix is to schedule time for absatzwirtschaft yourself each week and treat it like a high-paying project.More often the real reason is less I dont have time for this and more I just really dont want to do this. I got over this hurdle by finding a few freelancer friends who felt the same way. We check in once a month or so to keep ourselves accountable. I also think its perfectly fine to outsource some of your marketing tasks to another freelancer. One of my most successful collaborations was a trade deal with a local graphic designer He helped me rebrand my website in exchange for my assistance in getting his email newsletter up and running.Some freelancers think they shouldnt do anything that isnt billable work during office hours. This is usually a holdover mentality from a 9-to-5 job, but that doesnt make it logical. Someone in your old company was doing business development, even if it wasnt you.I lose time deciding what to do next.This is an easy one. Keep a single list of everything you need to do, organized by priority. I currently do this with a free app called Wunderlist, but you can use whatever system works for you. Whenever youre unsure of what to do, grab your hot list and start working on the next item.Id like to take time off, but the work has to get doneYes, but work also has a funny way of expanding or contracting to fill the available time. For example, I made a commitment to work-life balance on day one of my freelance career. Except for very rare exceptions, my day ends by a specific time, I dont answer my business phone outside of office hours, and I dont work on weekends. If this sounds like a fantasy world, I urge you to try it for a month and see if your efficiency improves. You might be surprised how much sooner your creative projects get done.Tom N. Tumbusch writes copy that creates action for creative professionals and green businesses.

Monday, December 9, 2019

How to Find Curriculum Vitae Plural Online

How to Find Curriculum Vitae Plural Online If you include either, make certain it underscores your interest in the kind of work for which youre applying. Because you would like to provide a good deal of attention to both, you might elend have much room left for different sections, like a resume summary, volunteer work, interests, etc.. When some people today forget about them altogether, others attempt to create their applications more impressive by littering all of them over the area. Many educational institutions are now attempting to balance two opposing forces. Experience is what the majority of employers are seeking, unless its a technical role and after that you will locate a different post to talk about this one. While resumes were rather generic before, in todays job market, employers expect to observe resumes tailored to fit the requirements of the particular position. Employers scan through cover letters and for you to receive their attention you should show them that youre fit for the job. Because they are used to it, they are looking for something that makes it different to others. As stated earlier, its a significant job to draft a suitable fitting CV. CVs are often tailored to modify the emphasis of the information according to the specific position for which the work seeker is applying. In a few nations, a CV is typically the very first item a prospective employer encounters concerning the job seeker and is typically utilized to screen applicants, often followed by means of an interview. Reed When applying for a volunteering role, you should show employers that youre passionate about what youre doing. When it has to do with your resume you need to professionally state your abilities and experience. You might or might not include your work experience here. Just like most graduates you wont have a lot of work experience to start with so you should concentrate on your abilities and education. As is true with several nouns borrowed directly from Latin, theres often some confusion regarding the right way to form its plural. A colon at the conclusion of boldface text also needs to be bold. Adequate spaces and spacing was pre-allocated in the sample, it is possible to easily insert the appropriate information within them. Present easy and imperative tenses. Provided that youre mindful of an employers stated preference and craft a good example, you ought to be in a position to put your very best foot forward on paper. Submitting one document as soon as the employer is expecting another is a poor way to begin your relationship. For reference, heres a hyperlink to the corpus search which I used. An attractive ideas that you have given out here but you didnt provide any illustration of a standard resume. What You Must Know About Curriculum Vitae Plural Experience can never mean more than 1 experience, but nevertheless, it can be employed to spell out somebody or groups collective experience. This is curren tly called the Main Arts Building. parte of creating an effective resume is deciding on the most appropriate format to inform your private story. Be certain to update your skills section and your work history. The Benefits of Curriculum Vitae Plural Select an Appropriate Curriculum Vitae Format Make sure you select a curriculum vitae format thats proper for the position youre applying for. Test takers ought to be knowledgeable about these concepts. Use the very first spelling presented. These samples are collected from an assortment of reliable career resources to offer you a notion of what a strong CV should look like in various formats. Contrary to what you may have heard, these 2 documents arent interchangeable. Listed here are examples of information that could be included in your curriculum vitae. Lets start with a htte nicht viel gefehlt overview of resumes, because they are more familiar to the majority of American writers than CVs. The elements that you include w ill be dependent on what youre applying for, so make sure to incorporate the most relevant info to back up your candidacy in your CV. What many are not conscious of, there are in reality 3 key kinds of CV templates based on the 3 primary categories of resume. Such a free resume template would likewise be perfect for freshers who dont have a lot of professional experience. As previously mentioned, you need to select a resume format thats suited to your personal profile.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Fundamentals of When Writing a Resume Do You Put Most Recent Job Experience First Revealed

The Fundamentals of When Writing a Resume Do You Put Most Recent Job Experience First Revealed The Benefits of when Writing a Resume Do You Put Most Recent Job Experience First Writing a resume is often more challenging than you may anticipate. If you own a college education, omit info about high school. The when Writing a Resume Do You Put Most Recent Job Experience First Pitfall At the close of the day, job seekers will need to use their resume to give the ideal presentation possible. Writing your professional bio is just one of the main components of your resume. Writing your first resume may seem to be daunting undertaking. Everything on your resume needs to be accomplishments-driven. Thus, you will need experience to find an entry-level job, but minus the job, you cant acquire experience. Your experience should deal with every necessary qualification in the job announcement. You dont need to incorporate every job youve held, especially in case you have many years o f expertise or have worked in unrelated fields. For instance, if youre asking for a job as an administrative assistant, you dont will need to discuss the way your job for a babysitter helped improve your childcare skills, but you might share the way the experience helped you cultivate time management abilities and the capacity to juggle numerous tasks simultaneously. In the majority of instances, a normal hiring manager is faced with numerous stacks of applications, and he or she has only a little quantity of time to acquire through them. With persistence and patience, you will gradually land the job that you want. If you have to incorporate employment history that dates back further than 15 years due to your accomplishments or on account of the businesss reputation, its recommended that you leave off your dates of employment. A history of employment indicates to a possible employer which you are, in reality, employable.